Friday, December 9, 2022

Why is Christmas Day celebrated?

 What is Christmas day

Christmas is a festival of Christians. It is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ who is called the son of God in Christianity. This festival is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ. This festival is celebrated all over the world on 25 December. It is called "Christmas Eve". Here we are going to tell you why Christmas is celebrated?

On this day people of Christian community wear new clothes. Goes to church to pray. People of the Christian community clean their homes and churches. They gather near the Christmas tree. Worships and prays. Christmas is the most important festival of Christians. The importance and joy of Christmas for Christians is as much as that of Diwali among Hindus and Eid among Muslims.

Christians send sweets and gifts to their friends and relatives on this festival. Christmas cake is made in every house. All parents give gifts and toys to their children. People decorate their homes with bright, colorful lights and Christmas trees. Christmas is a festival of love and peace and it teaches us how to make human life happy and meaningful.

What is Christmas and why is it celebrated?
Why celebrate Christmas? Why celebrate Christmas, why is Christmas celebrated, why celebrate Christmas only on 25 December, the story of Christmas Day, the true story of Christmas Day, Christmas Story in Hindi, the story of Jesus Christ, the story of the birth of Jesus in Hindi, of Jesus Christ Story, understand the history of Christmas Day from the story of Christmas

A long time ago, there was a place called Nazareth where a woman named Miriam (Mary) lived. She was very hard working and was also good to others. She was in love with a man named Yusuf who was a very nice young man. One day, God sent an angel named Gabriel to Mary with a message. He told her that God is sending a holy spirit to earth to help people. That soul will be born as a son of Mary and will be named Jesus.

Mary was worried on hearing how this could happen as she was unmarried. The angel told him that it would be a miracle from God, you don't need to think much about it. He also told that her cousin named Elizabeth who had no children would also give birth to a child named John the Baptist who would pave the way for the birth of Jesus.

Hearing this, Mary agreed with God's will. She went to visit Elizabeth and returned three months later, by which time she was pregnant. This worried Joseph and he began to have thoughts of not marrying Mary. But one night while sleeping, an angel appeared to Joseph, telling him about God's will. Joseph woke up the next morning and decided that he would take Mary as his wife. After the wedding, Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem. When they reached there, they found that it was overcrowded and there was no room left for them to stay. So they decided to stay in an animal shed. There, Mary gave birth to the son of God and named him Jesus.

God indicated the birth of Jesus by a bright star in the sky. Wise men from different parts of the world understood the importance of this star and followed it to reach the birthplace of Jesus. They brought gifts for the child and his parents to other parts of Bethlehem, where the shepherds were tending their cattle. Angels started giving them good news. They sang songs to welcome the Holy Spirit into the world and celebrated the birth of Jesus.

Since then this day is celebrated as Christmas. People go to church at midnight to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, exchange gifts, sing carols, wear new clothes and celebrate Christmas with joy. This was the story of Christmas, from which you must have known why celebrate Christmas

You might also know the significance of Christmas Day and the story of the birth of Jesus.

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